13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Spoiler Thread || Mechs, Adventures, and... Yakisoba-pan? Spoiler (2025)

Jakenbakin said:

So in the Gouto-Chihiro Morimura gun scene Gouto says that gun can not shoot either one of them... So my question is, how did Chihiro Morimura kill Chihiro Morimura with it?

That kinda confused me too, and it really wasn't even necessary since Gouto could've just programmed it not to shoot him. I guess he must've changed the gun settings after current Chihiro's murder? I dunno it's a bit inconsistent but there's alot of ways you could explain it without breaking the logic of the game.

Lumination said:

Just beat it and stewed in Analysis for 2hrs. I have 3 questions and 1 nitpick.

Nitpick: The kaiju almost feel like an afterthought in the end. They existed because 2188 Ryoko hated humanity and we were told that in a one-liner at the end of the game.

1. I still don't understand the significance of the cockpit = growth pod thing. I feel like I misunderstand why it matters that they are the same vs just the idea that they've been in growth pods this whole time in the real world. Also, they were held in their pods and never left until the end, right? Then why was universal control built in the virtual universe and not outside of it?

2. Wait, the command ship in the virtual world, right? AI Tomi becomes Miyuki Inaba when she gets swapped with AI 426 -> installed into Sentinel 16 -> emergency shifted to the command ship. so it has to be in the virtual world and not the real world? But then similar question as above. Why does it have to exist/be accessible in the virtual world at all? Why did they even simulate the command ship, the outer space to put it in, and 5 sectors being physically connected with the simulated cities ending in 30km?

3. What's the significance of Ida being alive in the end credits? He seems to be at peace, but what am I supposed to feel about the fact that he's in the UFO?

Overall, what a crazy experience. That there were so many moving threads and it all ties together is insane. Absolutely unreal. The fact that even reading it all in chronological order can still take a bit to wrap around your head, experiencing it in the way we initially did was a delight.

1) I thought the cockpit = growth pod thing was really cool though inconsistently applied. The hairstyles and accessories carrying over doesn't make much sense. Older Chihiro also shows up in a cockpit wearing her catsuit but she was in the type 98s so it probably wasn't a real cockpit. The more I think it about it makes most sense that the cockpits for the sentinals merely LOOK like the growth pods instead of literally shunting their consciousness into their real bodies whenever they pilot a Sentinal. For one I don't think Megumi had her glasses in the end scene where she wears them during the Sentinel scenes. If the sentinal cockpits are just part of the simulation like everything else it fits, would explain how DD426 works, how you get "ejected" if the sentinal takes too much damage. Sounds like at least prior to the end the 2188 AIs and Miyuki Inaba's are only entities that truely understands that everyone's living in the matrix.

Universal Control being part of and being able to be accessed via the virtual world makes sense. It's clear during several of the 2188 scenes that everyone's corrupt as fuck so it'd stand to reason the 2188 people would want to be able to control the simulation while being stuck in the simulation. 2188 Chihiro actually uploads her own mind in order to be the leader of the new world and it's telling that 2188 Chihiro has admin privileges and uses this to help you in the end. I'd imagine in 2188 Chihiro's ideal scenario with admin privileges she can basically set herself up as a god and control the development of all 15 humans.

2) I'm certain that the command ship is in the real world. Miyuki mentions alot how the orbit of the planet affects her connection range, and the physical connections of the satellites is how 2188 Chihiro manages to allow Miyuki to connect at the final battle. Miyuki is the Deus Ex Machina of the whole story, the final fight is basically buying time for her to essentially shut down Universal Control from the command ship and wake up all of the humans.

So to me it seems like the Command Ship has access to UC but is geographically separate from it while UC itself is managed from within, internally, like an OS of sorts like controlling the matrix from inside of it.

I do agree that the simulation being set up as 5 cities at different times is a bit contrived. It makes sense that for a simulation it wouldn't be feasible to accurately simulate an entire planet so limiting to a single city and thus reusing all the geography astral body motions and the like to make a convincing simulacrum makes sense. The characters being able to travel between the 5 sectors sorta makes sense to me. The 15 chosen ones are special because they have some level of access to Universal Control, the only people who can "travel" are the effective admins of the system. It was probably set up that at the end of their "childhood" that the 2 year crash course before the pods opened could've involved them traveling to different sectors to learn topics and to like catch the 1945 people up to date with like everything.

3) This is easiest to explain. Ida from One Loop Ago at the end of the story is basically an AI and he gets killed by Sekigahara. In the epilogue the survivors have basically revived the 1985 simulation from before the Kaiju attack and AI Ida was killed pretty recently (Sekigahara's route seems to take place chronologically very close to the Kaiju attack) so AI Ida was revived. In the epilogue AI Ida is tasked with helping recreate the other sectors so he was probably tasked with that after his ressurrection and the UFO is the best place for that.

Seems like AI Ida' whole motivation throughout the main story was to trigger another loop so that he can put Miyuki's AI directly into the next Loop's Tomi body against Miyuki's own wishes. At the end of the story, ironically, Shinonome and Gouto's plan to put AIs into human bodies in the real world is literally exactly what AI Ida's entire motivation was so it makes sense he would cooperative.


Man this game has a ton of amazing details. One thing I recently realized is that we can actually place the "Origins" of the 15 to a reasonable degree basically which sector they were supposed to grow up in.

1945: Hijiyama, Miura, Tamao.
1985: Ogata, Takamiya, Natsuno
2025: Tomi, Megumi, Ida/Shu
2045: Sekigahara, Shinonome, Gouto
2085: Chihiro/Iori, Juro, Okino.

That random dialogue where Sekigahara yells at Gouto and it was mentioned that he used to date Shinonome is like the ONLY comment that actually places the sector origin of Gouto that I was able to find.


While we're nitpicking... most of my questions involves Chihrio Morimura. I'm gonna draw a mini timeline....

2LoopAgo Morimura : They had essentially no real defense against the Kaiju and Okino transfers 2LoopMorimura and 2LoopAgoIzumi into the next loop 16 years before the Kaiju invade. They both grow up, become lovers One Loop before current timeline. 2 Loop Ago Izumi decides to just kill everyone and 2 Loop Ago Morimura kills Izumi in retaliation. 2 Loop Ago Morimura sacrifices her consciousness in order to save 1 Loop Ago Ida and tells Ida to explain everything to her current self (that being 1LoopAgo Morimura).

1LoopAgo Morimura : This is the one we see the most of. She's entered into the conspiracy by Ida of 1LoopAgo, and uses Sector Zero alongside 1LoopAgo Ida in order to enter the current loop. This is the Morimura who sets up the chibi-chihiro clone in 1945. She gets killed by Chibi-Chihiro.

Current Iori : She starts off in 2085 and is kidnapped and moved to 1985 at some point, taking memory pills. Events of 13 Sentinals etc...

Chibi-Chihiro: Cloned by 1LoopAgo Morimura, placed in 1945. 2188 Chihiro SOMEHOW body snatches her (it's not explained very well). Her plan is to, from what I can tell, let the current Loop die to the Kaiju, use Sector Zero to move to the next loop and basically become queen with her 2188 knowledge and admin privilege's. She's convinced to help out by Gouta and the revelation that Sector Zero basically won't work anymore.

So what I'm lost at is motivations. Morimura in the story is trying to implant and revive 426 and is implied to be still in love with 426. But Morimura in the story is the one from one loop ago and native to the same loop as Ida and was only brought into the conspiracy because the 2LoopAgo Morimura wanted Ida to let her know everything. The Morimura who fell in love with 426 and then killed him was the one from 2 Loops ago and she died saving 1 Loop Ago Ida's life. Even in the epilogue 426 and Morimura have the final scene together but... the Morimura that was in love with 426's consciousness died a whole loop ago in another sector and shouldn't have been revived with the rest of 1985. The Morimura revived in the epilogue should have no feelings for 426 at all and probably never even MET 426.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Spoiler Thread || Mechs, Adventures, and... Yakisoba-pan? Spoiler (2025)


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